Thursday, May 9, 2013

5-9-13 BR

It's an accurate stereotype. Every movie made about WV has stupid pill popping hicks in it. Even the show "Buckwild" portrayed things that most people in the state have never done before. That's where the money is made, supporting stereotypes.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5-7 BR

The chick looks like she just wants money from the school. The principal probably didn't even do anything. This is a terrible website. They can't even spell right. #ForrealDoe

Monday, May 6, 2013

10 event assignment

911- On September 11, 2001, a group of ignorant Muslim extremists, known as Al-Quada, decided to take over a few air planes. They flew them into the world trade center and the twin towers. Another plane was headed towards the Pentagon, but they couldn’t even do that right. Due to this, America went to war. War in Afghanistan- The Islamic terrorist group was going to be dismantled. Al-Quada got messed up. We Killed Osama and Sadam. ‘Merica came to the rescue of the little Iraqi children. We are still in the war on terror. It started in 2001. Recently there was a terrorist act in Boston. Sandy Hook- In the fall of 2012, a twenty year old, Adam, shot up an elementary school. The murder took place in the town Sandy Hook of Newtown, Conn. The only school shooting that was worse was the Va Tech shooting in 2007. Lanza killed over 20 children and workers of the school. He even shot his mother. Eventually, he shot himself in the head. There are some crazy people. First android- Android, the Linux-based operating system, was unveiled in 2007. The first Android phone was actually released in fall of 2008. Many phones have been released since 2008. The new Samsung Galaxy s4 is considered the best smartphone on the market right now. The previous version, the GS3, was considered better than the IPhone 5. Backed by Google, they successfully took over the cellular phone market. Hurricane Katrina- In 2005, one of the deadliest hurricanes ever rocked the United States. Hurricane Katrina barreled through New Orleans destroying everything in its path. At least 1,833 people died and over 80 billion dollars in damage were done to the nation. Nature is a very powerful thing. It ranked 6th of all time on the strength of hurricanes to hit our country. VA Tech Shooting- In Blacksburg Virginia, a shooting occurred that would change our nation forever. It was the all-time deadliest shooting in United States history by a single-gunman. Sandy hook ranks in at number 2. The all-time deadliest shooting by more than one person happened in 1927 at the Bath School Disaster. The kid who did it was obviously mentally unstable. Hurricane Sandy- Hurricane Sandy was a crazy storm during fall of 2012. It actually helped the economy some, but mostly destroyed everything. Crazy amounts of snow fell in North-Eastern United States. This allowed ski resorts to open in November, which is one of their earliest of the past 12 years. Snowshoe actually made a lot of money from this. However, the rest of Hurricane Sandy was awful. It cut off power to many cities and destroyed towns across the country. They are still trying to repair everything. Boston Bombing- In April 2013, crazy immigrants decided to commit some terrorist acts. They attacked the Boston Marathon. People could have stopped them, but they decided to keep quiet. Everyone involved with the killing should be instantly penalized with the death sentence. No one will even bury the idiots that committed the crime. The two brothers behind the bombings were both killed by police after the crazy chase that the police put on. Space Jump- Red Bull put on the Space Jump of 2012. A guy jumped from the out-most part of the atmosphere. He was extremely famous because he broke the record for the highest jump ever. Felix did a great job of being awesome. People do some pretty amazing thing, and with technology, it makes us even better.

5-6-13 BR

I don't think terrorists should have the ability to get buried. He was most certainly not concerned about anyone else's lives. Crazy people shouldn't get buried.

Friday, May 3, 2013

5-2-13 BR

I think that they should be punished to the full extent of the law. If they were a part of it in any way, they should be put in prison. It's crazy how people can assist psychotic people that easily. They should be put in prison for destroying evidence and assisting terrorism. I hope that they get in a ton of trouble. Most of the time, someone other than the bad people know about what is going to happen. They could have called the cops or even just told other people and the events would have been way different. Inaction is basically the same as helping so it should be a crime. I would have turned them in as soon as I heard about it, if I knew they were serious.

Monday, April 29, 2013

4-29-13 BR

You'd think that people would have integrated prom a long time ago. Racism is so last century. I mean come on gurl.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4-25-13 BR

I feel like this bellringer is inappropriate. Those young girls are showing way too much skin. Now that I'm 18, I can get in trouble for even clicking on the website. Shame on their parents.