Monday, October 29, 2012

10-29-12 BR

Ohio is apparently a state that hasn't made up it's mind yet. Ohio is definitely going to be a battle state between the two candidates.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10-25-12 BR

I don't think that the smart voters trust either of the voters. It is obvious that it's a liars contest. Whoever can lie the best will win.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10-24-12 BR

I really hope that Romney doesn't win the election. I think he will do a much worse job than what Obama has accomplished in the past 4 years in office. It would get much worse.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10-23-12 BR

I think that identification is very important. It helps protect us from terrorist acts and many other bad things that could happen in our country. They need to make them much harder to duplicate.

Monday, October 22, 2012

10-22-12 BR

I <3 gambling. If the idiots want to waste away their money, it's their own business. I don't think that they should attract a Vegas atmosphere into WV though.

Friday, October 19, 2012

10-19-12 BR

Obama was talking about what happened in Libya. He was talking about how it's his job to fix what happened. It has been 3 weeks since the incident, but nothing has been done. Many things should have already been done about it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10-18-12 BR

CNN was talking about many different things that had to do with the election. The first thing they talked about was that Romney always puts a foot in his mouth. He said something about binders of women. Clinton was wondering about these binders. Obama and Romney looked as if they were in a boxing ring with the way that they circled each other.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10-16-12 BR

part one It would be nice if a working American was finally put into office. It would be a change for the better. He/she would know what it's like to be in the situation that over half of America is in. p2. They're both idiots, so it doesn't really matter who gets the electoral votes. Their flaws are both bad. Obama has led the country in the wrong direction, and Romney will probably do the same.

Monday, October 15, 2012

10-15-12 BR

I agree with him on almost everything that he said. I definitely agree that the law was a failure. It's ridiculous what we have to go through.

Friday, October 12, 2012

10-12-12 BR

I think the debate was pretty close last night. Ryan lied, but he didn't make quite as many false acusations as Romney made. Obama Nation

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10-11-12 BR

I don't think you should be in different categories because of race. All men are created equal. That statement should apply to just about everything.

10-10-12 BR

People should not care about big bird and actually care about our country and what it's doing. It's ridiculous that the ads are the biggest topic that they have to cover.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10-9-12 BR

You shouldn't be able to be fired for what you post on Facebook or Twitter. Someone could hack into your account and get you fired for no reason. It's quite offensive that people can fire you for something in your personal life.

Monday, October 8, 2012

10-8-12 BR

I think that it's a funny pormotion idea that they are doing this. It would be great if a few choice people would leave and only get a one way ticket. It may help the country out.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10-4-12 BR

In the CNN article, it showed that Romney is an idiot. He lied almost the whole time. As a business man, his job is to sell people things. Last night, he sold everyone crap. America should probably vote for Obama. In the Fox News article, they just showed what Romney was strong with. It didn't show how he lied about a lot of different facts. They were just trying to put down Obama. They only decided to look at the republican side.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

10-3-12 BR

Pa. voter ID law ruling could mean political swing: I feel as if you shouldn't have to have a photo ID to vote. There are many Americans without a liscense that have equal right to vote. In some cases, it's hard to get a state issued ID. Would a Rose by any other name still be a Democrat? How your first name can predict your politics: According to the chart, I was more Democratic, which is true. Clint is quite Republican, though

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Social #2

Senate Bill SUMMARY: I would like to inforce tax cuts on families bringing in under $75,000 a year. LEAD SPONSOR:Ian Smithson WHERE:WV BILL TEXT: Tax cuts should be made to the middle-class rather than for the rich. Many middle class families struggle to get by without paying extra taxes for the rich. There should be 5% tax cuts for the people that don't make quite as much money as the upper-class families. It would go into effect in January 1, 2013. This has to be in place because middle and lower class families are paying too much. Cutting spending in the welfare system could help provide the funds necessary. Make it so only people who need welfare can get on it. SUBJECT(S): WV Citizens ACTIONS: Proceeding in front of Senate

10-2-12 BR

I think Obama would do a better job as president because he doesn't want to reform things that aren't broken. If Romney reforms many other things in the supreme court, I wouldn't vote for him.

Monday, October 1, 2012

10-1-12 BR

I think that more should be done to stop incidences like this from happening in our everyday life. It's scary that a gun could pass through security like it did. If that guy was a terrorist, the consequences could've been bad.