Friday, November 30, 2012

11-30-12 BR

These articles show how messed up today's society really is. A man shot a boy for playing loud music. That's the same as kicking someone in the face for going to the bathroom in the stall you wanted. It's stupid in my opinion. The woman who posted her daughter naked on Facebook needs to be embarrassed the same. They just show that today's society is crazy.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

11-29-12 BR

Obama is trying to get Romney aboard on some of his plans to convince the Republicans to follow up with his plans. I don't think it's going to work because the house is way to separated. It does not make sense to do what he's doing.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

11-28-12 BR

When I get older, I will probably be a gambler. If you were to win something like that, you'd never have to do anything ever again. In my opinion it's worth the smudge of money to attempt to win that much money. If I won that much money, I would never go back to school. I'd drop out and never have to do anything ever again. It would be awesome.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

11-27-12 BRs

I think baby boxes are a pretty bad idea. Many people need to grow up and take responsibility instead of doing that to a kid. You shouldn't want to get rid of a kid to begin with. Charity donations are a great idea. Who knows if they'll get as much money this year due to hurricane Sandy. Stupid Sandy only did one good thing by opening ski season early. That was pretty sweet. Other than that, it destroyed many homes and demolished holiday spirits.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

11-15-12 BR

Obama really should try to hold up all of his promises made during the election. America has put its trust in his hands alone. Maybe he'll get something done this time.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

11-14-12 BR

BR 1- That woman deserves to be put into a mental hospital. Running over someone is awful. She needs shot. People are stupid. BR 2- over 90% of black people voted for Obama. Less than 5% voted for Romney. I feel like not all of them have the same views. Those are ridiculous numbers.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

11-13-12 BR

I think that the whole doomsday thing was foolish to begin with. It was supposed to happen like 14,000 times in the past 2 decades. I think it's hilarious. No one knows when it will happen.