Thursday, March 28, 2013

3-28-13 BR

I think they need to redo their court system. It's pretty ridiculous that they have double jeopardy and stuff. She should not be in jail.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3-27-13 BR

I think people should be able to make their own decisions. People that can't should be in a hospital. It's a dumb topic.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3-11-13 assignment

The definition of a jury is: “A body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court” (Google search). Being a jury member today is a pretty hard job. There are many different courts to serve as well. So what exactly does a jury do? Well their main job is to decide whether a defendant is guilty or not based solely upon facts and evidence. Common sense, knowledge and experience are all allowed to help make a justified decision. Things that aren’t allowed are guessing and being prejudice. Making a decision can sometimes be quite difficult. What all courts are there in the U.S. of A? Different courts including the U.S. District Courts, the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, and the U.S. Supreme Court are all federal courts. Federal courts usually deal with cases that involve the federal law, bankruptcy, and disputes between states. Local and state courts include cases involving robberies, traffic violations, broken contracts, and family disputes. They deal with most criminals as well. Grand juries hear evidence in cases where a person has supposedly committed a crime and has to decide whether or not they should be going to court. They don’t decide guilt or innocence. In a petit jury, you will most likely hear about criminal or civil cases. They decide if the defendant is guilty or not by unanimous decision in a criminal case. During a civil case, a three quarters vote is required. In conclusion, being a member of the jury would not be very fun. You have to decide the fate of another person. Depending on which court you’re in and what type of juror you are, you could send an innocent person away for life if you make the wrong decision. There is no way to tell for sure sometimes. I personally wouldn't want to be a juror. It would be ridiculously hard for me to decide whether or not someone is innocent or guilty. I don't even like civics class, so why would I like being a part of the court system? It's not hard to think that it would be an unappetizing part of my day. I really wouldn't like it.

3-13-13 BR

The U.S. constitution in very important to everyday life in 'Merica. It was signed in 1787 by the founding fathers. The Constitution gives us all of our freedoms in the country. The Bill of Rights gives us most of those freedoms. The rights of all students trace all the way back to the Constitution. Everyone should be thankful for it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

3-11-13 BR

I do not think that knives should be allowed on planes. It's obvious from previous hijackings that people don't wanna get hurt, so they'll do what they're told. It's nonsense.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

3-7-13 BR

I think he has some guts doing this. Talking for almost thirteen hours while standing would probably be the worst thing in the world. He definitely got his point across. 2- Fillibuster- a political delaying tactic cloture- to close a senate debate by calling for a vote 3. Filibusters have changed a lot in the past 100 years. In 1917, a rule was adopted by the senate to allow a cloture under the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. In the 1930s, a senator used filibusting was used to promote Huey Long's liberal policies. In 1957, a filibuster was over 24 hours long. The recent filibuster was almost 13 hours long. Post closure filibusting is no longer allowed as a tactic. The only event that cannot be filibustered is anything related to a budget bill. Before 1996, the rule only applied to the reduction of a budget bill. Since then, it has been modified to anything to do with the bills. 4: 1. Rand Paul's filibuster was the 9th longest 2. 60 members have to vote against the speech to stop it 3. 1841 introduced the first filibuster 4. The word filibuster comes from the Spanish, Dutch, and French languages 5. Senators don't have to address the issue at hand, they can address anything 6. The longest one was over a day long 7. The 21st century has brought a sharp increase in the use of the filibuster 8. Before 1949, 67 senators had to vote for cloture 9. Senator Huey P. Long effectively used the filibuster against any bill that he considered favoritism of the rich over the poor 10. A group of senators supposedly staged at 57-day filibuster to protest the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3-5-13 BR

I think that they shouldn't have nuclear weapons because they're nuts. I don't necessarily wanna die by radiation any time soon. South Korea is gonna win the war anyways.

Monday, March 4, 2013

3-4-13 BR

I think they should leave taxes alone and make cuts in other parts of the plan. It's crazy that if you make 1000 dollars, you would only get 700 after taxes. Maybe they should stop making billion dollar bombs every day for test purposes. 2- Hopefully they can figure out the tax mess. It's just hurting 'Merica as of right now. Hopefully Obama comes up with something.

3-1-13 BR

I think Dennis did it either for attention, or he wasn't thinking anything of it. Hey, maybe North Korea won't bomb us now that Kim has an American friend. If Rodman is away in Korea for a couple days any time soon, I'm headed for the bomb shelter.