Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1-2-13 fiscal cliff assignment

Last night, President Barack Obama signed a "fiscal cliff" plan into effect. This plan made it so we wouldn't go into another recession. It does not look like it's making much of a difference when you read percentages, but when you look at real numbers, you see a totally different side of the plan. This plan was put into effect so that our economy would stay stable and keep the world economy stable in the process. Our nation has to buy stuff. Without us compiling our money to pay the deficit, the whole world would suffer. What is the fiscal cliff? Well, it's a 4.6% increase in taxes to the rich while keeping the middle class taxes from spiking. This will in total within ten years create over 600 billion dollars. It raises taxes from 35% to 39.6% with a maximum tax of 40%. It's a good thing that it only applies to individuals making over $400,000 and couples making over $450k a year. If this applied to the working class of Americans, they probably could not even afford the house that they currently live inside of. It's hard enough with the tax now. It saves over 30,000,000 homes from the tax raise. At least Obama knows that if you can live on $100,000 you can live on $400,000 easier. Another job of the bill was extending the payment of those without a job. Unemployment has been decently higher than what anyone wants. Now, unemployment can be received for up to one year instead of getting none at all if the plan wouldn't have passed. It saved our country for the better or worse.

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