Monday, August 27, 2012

8-27 NOTES

-ratification- to ratify - to approve
-constitution signed sept 17 1787 at constitutional convention
-federalist ( supported constitution) James Madison ( leader), James Wilson, Rufus King, John Jay, George Read, alexander hamilton, roger sherman
-Anti federalists (against constitution) Patrick Henry, George Mason, Richard Lee, Elbridge Gerry, George Clinton, Sam Adams, Rob Yates, Melancton Smith
-The Federal Papers - written by 3 men - to convince us to support constitution
-Constitution says 9/13 states must ratify the constitution for it to become a legal doc.
-Delaware - 1st state
-New Hampshire- 9th state
-Rhode Island- last of 13 states to ratify
-Federalists included:
John Hancock (Massachusetts)
Alexander Hamilton (New York)
James Madison (Virginia) [Madison would often switch between sides]
John Jay (New York) --- these 3 guys wrote The Federalist Papers
George Washington (Virginia)
John Adams (Massachusetts)

Most all of the Founders who framed the Constitution supported ratification, EXCEPT:
George Mason (Virginia)
Edmund Randolph (Virginia)
Elbridge Gerry (Massachusetts)

Other anti-federalists included:
Samuel Adams (Massachusetts)
Patrick Henry (Virginia)
Richard Henry Lee (Virginia)

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