Monday, April 29, 2013

4-29-13 BR

You'd think that people would have integrated prom a long time ago. Racism is so last century. I mean come on gurl.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4-25-13 BR

I feel like this bellringer is inappropriate. Those young girls are showing way too much skin. Now that I'm 18, I can get in trouble for even clicking on the website. Shame on their parents.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

4-18-13 BR

1) I guess it's legal for them to post that, but I do not think that it should be that easy to gain access to the content. It's pretty crazy that people can do things that easily. 2) It's scary to think that companies can gain that much access to you just through your zip code. I'll probably stop giving them a zip code from now on. 3) I think it's funny that the bill got shot down. It wouldn't have helped anything. Stricter background checks and a few other things should certainly be changed.

4-17-13 Assignment

PART ONE-----A possible sentence, since the terrorist(s) actually killed a few people, could be life imprisonment and a large fine. Because of the Geneva Conventions, both citizens and foreigners would get the same punishment. They can no longer be tortured. Yes, they follow the constitution. PART TWO----- local- National- 1) 2) International- The local news was telling about a WV woman who ran in the the race and finished 40 minutes before the bombs went off. She was hanging out with her family when it happened. Both the national and international news talk about possible suspects for the bombing, which is what will get them the most views. Whichever news doesn't have this story is probably going to lose views. Local news won't because everyone still wants to know what's happening in their neighborhood.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

4-16-13 BR

The bomb was pretty crazy. It makes you feel as if you aren't safe anywhere that you go. There are some really bad people in the world, and hopefully they all get shut down.

Monday, April 15, 2013

4-15-13 BR

I think that if you get your liscense, you should be able to carry a gun almost anywhere. They should probably make it a little harder to get it though. It's a dangerous world.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4-10-13 assignment

1) -jerk in a box This cartoon is pretty funny. It's about how North Korea is crazy. Kim Jong Un is an idiot. I think they did a good job portraying it. rating- A 2) -Baby kim Another cartoon about the big idiot in Korea. It's funny because North Korea has to throw fits if they can't get their way. He's such a baby about everything. rating- A- 3) -Lazy cat This cartoon is most likely about our government. It shows how they are lazy and have everything done for them. Obama just makes laws so people will like him. rating- B 4) -Air mail bomb The cartoon is pretty funny. It could be interpreted in a few different ways. I took it as the North Korean Government not even able to make a bomb capable of reaching us. rate- B 5) -Campaign strategy A guy is standing in front of a secret office saying how the oposing party shouldn't be able to use dirty tactics to expose their dirty tactics. It's basically how any election works. They don't like their own tricks. rate- A

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

text and drive bill

1. Texting is a major distraction. 2. You could be responsible for murder if you hit someone while texting and driving. 3. In 2011, 23% of wrecks involved cell phone usage. 4. Text messaging makes a wreck 23 times more likely. 5. Teens who text while driving are in the other lane during 10% of their driving time. 6. 1.6 million crashes a year are due to texting while driving. 7. It is the same as driving after drinking 4 beers. 8. Texting is the same as driving blind for five second intervals. 9. It slows your brake reaction speed by 18%. 10. At 55 mph, a single text takes your eyes off of the road for 100 yards, the same length as a football field. 11. Not just teens text and drive. 12. Adults text and drive more than teenagers. 13. Teens are more likely to text and drive if their parents do it. 14. Most people text and drive even after admitting that it's unsafe. 15. If you could get in trouble for texting while driving, less people would do it. 16. Texting is the largest driving distraction. 17. There should be strict laws put into place. 18. Wrecks would decrease significantly. 19. Steering capabilities are reduced by 91%. 20. It causes deaths. This bill should help reduce wrecks all over the United States. It creates a strict environment in which you can text and drive.

Monday, April 8, 2013

4-8-13 BR

I think that it's true that adults text and drive more than teens. They have jobs that sometimes require texting and emailing. If they were running behind and had to pick between their job or a ticket, it wouldn't be a hard choice.