Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4-10-13 assignment

1) -jerk in a box This cartoon is pretty funny. It's about how North Korea is crazy. Kim Jong Un is an idiot. I think they did a good job portraying it. rating- A 2) -Baby kim Another cartoon about the big idiot in Korea. It's funny because North Korea has to throw fits if they can't get their way. He's such a baby about everything. rating- A- 3) -Lazy cat This cartoon is most likely about our government. It shows how they are lazy and have everything done for them. Obama just makes laws so people will like him. rating- B 4) -Air mail bomb The cartoon is pretty funny. It could be interpreted in a few different ways. I took it as the North Korean Government not even able to make a bomb capable of reaching us. rate- B 5) -Campaign strategy A guy is standing in front of a secret office saying how the oposing party shouldn't be able to use dirty tactics to expose their dirty tactics. It's basically how any election works. They don't like their own tricks. rate- A

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