Tuesday, April 9, 2013

text and drive bill

1. Texting is a major distraction. 2. You could be responsible for murder if you hit someone while texting and driving. 3. In 2011, 23% of wrecks involved cell phone usage. 4. Text messaging makes a wreck 23 times more likely. 5. Teens who text while driving are in the other lane during 10% of their driving time. 6. 1.6 million crashes a year are due to texting while driving. 7. It is the same as driving after drinking 4 beers. 8. Texting is the same as driving blind for five second intervals. 9. It slows your brake reaction speed by 18%. 10. At 55 mph, a single text takes your eyes off of the road for 100 yards, the same length as a football field. 11. Not just teens text and drive. 12. Adults text and drive more than teenagers. 13. Teens are more likely to text and drive if their parents do it. 14. Most people text and drive even after admitting that it's unsafe. 15. If you could get in trouble for texting while driving, less people would do it. 16. Texting is the largest driving distraction. 17. There should be strict laws put into place. 18. Wrecks would decrease significantly. 19. Steering capabilities are reduced by 91%. 20. It causes deaths. This bill should help reduce wrecks all over the United States. It creates a strict environment in which you can text and drive.

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