Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9-17-12 work

1. Answer the following question: Why is there a constitution day and what mandated it?
-There's a constitution day because 55 men had to revise the Articles of Confederation, but instead wrote a whole new constitution.

2. Could you pass the US citizenship test....find 3 links on the Internet and take the quizzes and post the links and your scores.

-http://www.800citizen.org/us_citizenship_test/american_citizen_test/ -80%
-http://www.factmonster.com/quizzes/citizenship1/1.html -80%
-http://www.studenthandouts.com/01-Web-Pages/New%20Folder%20(3)/Batch-01-MC-INS-United-States-Immigration-Citizenship-Practice-Test-Questions-Multiple-Choice.html - 14 points

3. Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt with 60-Second Civics
You and your teammates have been given a set of clues to identify nine delegates to the

Constitutional Convention that was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the summer of 1787. In

order to complete your task you need the clues provided by your teacher and podcasts from the

Center for Civic Education. The podcasts are available at


Step 1:

Your teacher has assigned you a certain number of podcasts. In listening to them you should be able to determine which nine delegates your clues indicate. As soon as you think you have identified the delegates, check with your teacher to determine if you are correct. If you are, then move on to the next part of the assignment. If you are not, continue listening until you found the correct delegates.

Step 2:

Review the nine correct podcasts and complete the information required in the box adjoining each clue. You must also choose two additional facts about your delegate.

Step 3:

Sharing your information. Your teacher will direct your group on how to share the information you have gathered about your delegates with the class.

Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt with 60-Second Civics

Teacher Resource 3: Clue Sheet

Reproduce the chart below in word and complete it. Then separate the clues and randomly group them into

sets of nine. Distribute one set to each group.


This delegate took notes at the Philadelphia Convention.

Name: James Madison

State: Pennsylvania

Age/Year of Birth: Born March 16,1751

Two Additional Clues: 4th president of the United States. Political theorist


He refused to sign the Constitution.

Name: George Mason

State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: Dec 11, 1725

Two Additional Clues: Virginia Delegate, American patriot


He was the chairman of the Committee

on Style.

Name: William Samuel Johnson

State: Connecticut

Age/Year of Birth: 1727

Two Additional Clues: President of Colombia College, peacemaker



He studied law in Philadelphia.

Name:Richard Bassett


Age/Year of Birth:1745

Two Additional Clues:owned homes in Maryland, made no speeches at Constitutional Convention


He was a roommate of James Madison

at the College of New Jersey.

Name:Gunning Bedford, Jr


Age/Year of Birth:1747

Two Additional Clues:represented the small state's, spent many years as a federal district judge


He served as the first postmaster general

of Wilmington.

Name:Jacob Broom


Age/Year of Birth:1752

Two Additional Clues: More than one career choice, died in Philly


He voted against independence and did

sign the Declaration of Independence.

Name:John Dickinson


Age/Year of Birth:1732

Two Additional Clues: well respected, enlisted in Contenintal Army


He voted against the independence, but

signed the Declaration of


Name:George Reed


Age/Year of Birth:1733

Two Additional Clues: led ratification battle, chief justice of delaware



He was born in Connecticut.

Name:Abraham Baldwin


Age/Year of Birth:1745

Two Additional Clues: Graduated from Yale, Minister


During the Revolution he served as a

lieutenant colonel in the dragoons.

Name:William Few


Age/Year of Birth:1748

Two Additional Clues:Descendant of a shoe maker, Represented GA in convention


Served as one of the original trustees of

the University of Georgia at Athens.

Name:William Houston


Age/Year of Birth:1755

Two Additional Clues: Teacher, lawyer


His notes at the convention described the

personalities of others.

Name:William Leigh Pierce


Age/Year of Birth:1740

Two Additional Clues:an army officer, born in York County, Virginia


He studied in Flanders, Belgium.

Name:Daniel Carroll


Age/Year of Birth:1730

Two Additional Clues: younger brother was Archbishop John Carroll,was a politician and one of the Founding Fathers



He died three years after the convention.

Name:Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer


Age/Year of Birth:1723

Two Additional Clues:born at Coates Retirement,the son of a colonial planter


He was opposed to increasing the power

of the federal government.

Name:Luther Martin


Age/Year of Birth:1748

Two Additional Clues: refused to sign the Constitution, He was a leading Anti-Federalist

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