Thursday, September 20, 2012

9-20-12 WORK

5 Parts of the first amendment- 1-Free exercise of religion 2-Freedom of speech 3-Freedom of press 4-Right to peaceably assemble 5-Petition and Assembly DIGITAL PRIVACY In today's world, privacy is decreasing little by little. Social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are not very protective websites. In each, you must go into the settings and choose who can view your profile and posts. This is quite a hassle, so most people don't even bother. All a stalker has to do is Google your name, and all of your information will magically appear. Privacy is going down the drain. THE PATRIOT ACT The Patriot Act states that the government can: listen in on phone calls, read texts, emails, and messages sent to others without notification. It states that it would be used for tracking of illegal exchanges such as murders or drug deals. It is the government being able to listen in on private conversation, but states that they must stop listening after 60 seconds, because that would be an invasion of personal rights. PRIVACY ISSUE? Yes, it is in violation to the first amendment because they can invade your privacy. If you aren't a drug dealer, you shouldn't have to prove that you aren't. The government is doing it for the good, but for the good citizens, it's a privacy invasion. PRIVACY VIOLATION TAKING ADVANTAGE OF PRIVACY LAWS

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