Thursday, September 13, 2012

How America has Changed since 911

America has has some significant changes since the faitful day of september. One thing that has changed in the past twelve years is airport security. Another thing that has gotten worse is stereotypical judement. A third change in the America of today is the American outlook on life. These are just three of the changes.

Airport security has gotten much more strict in the past decade. They now search every bag and possession that you are taking on board with you. Many items allowed in the 911 hijacking, like box cutters, are now not allowed to be on your person. You can randomly be searched if there is a suspicion that you could be a terrorist or any other threat to the pilot and passengers. This is change number one.

Before 911, stereotypes were a part of America as history has shown, but after 911, the whole meaning almost changed. If you're a muslim living in America, life became much more difficult. No one would trust you. You would be an outcast of life. This is because ignorant muslim extremists like Al-Queda soiled the muslim name.

What do I mean when I say the "American outlook on life?" Well, before 911, everyone was happy and more secure with theirselves because they thought nothing bad could happen. 911 was an eye-opener. It showed that no place is 100% safe, no matter how advanced that they are. Everyone, or most people, is a lot more insecure. They now own guns and have security systems. I knock on a door after 10 o'clock if you payed me, without running away that is.

In sum, the American lifestyle went through a dramatic change after 2001. Airports now don't trust anyone. Muslims will always be looked down upon. Everyone is really paranoid. Let's see how it keeps changing.

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