Thursday, February 28, 2013

5x5 about tolerance

Ian Smithson 2-28-13 Society has become too tolerant about a few different things. Television of today introduces too many ideas to the young people. Minority rights are also really ridiculous. Teen pregnancy is a third thing that comes to mind about society being too accepting. We're too accepting over a lot of things. Explicit television isn’t just at night any more. Grownups have to worry about their younger kids watching these ridiculous TV shows. It’s hard to tell what any kid has been watching the past couple of years. Family Guy and other versions of adult swim are no longer regulated to night time showings. South Park and Tosh.0 are also on television during the daytime. If you’ve ever watched these shows, you would know that no person under at least age fourteen should be in contact with them. Minority rights are another thing that society is too accepting over. Let’s say that there are two brothers, Mike and Tony. Mike is a red head and Tony is a brown haired man. Mike gets a scholarship because of his hair color and Tony doesn’t get any sort of help because he has brown hair. Why is that fair at all? It shouldn’t be about what you look like. Teen pregnancy is another big issue in today’s society. Why should a person who has a kid be able to get on a TV show and become the next superstar? It’s because people who aren’t smart like to watch things to make themselves feel better. Having a kid at age fifteen shouldn’t be the cool thing to do. It shouldn’t make you any type of money. You should have to deal with it yourself, and if you can’t then shouldn’t have been having sex. Why has society had a downfall in most people’s opinion? It’s because we care too much about stupid things that we shouldn’t care about at all. People shouldn’t be exposed to Family Guy at age ten and have a kid five years later to become a famous actress. Minorities should have to go through the same hard word as the average Caucasian male, but they don’t. It shouldn’t work that way.

2-28 BR

1) Deaths have been rising with teens driving. I'm not sure if it went down any this year, but last year, wrecks increased by 19%. It's probably due to an increase in girl birth rates around 16 years ago. Maybe it was those girls off of Buckwild. 2)West Virginians like to shoot guns. It's no surprise to me that they got together to shoot a bunch of guns and have fun. They like to shoot guns and ride four-wheelers. Woo! BuckWild! 3)Not very many people I know sext on a regular basis. There are a few, but I mean, what school doesn't have those girls/boys that like to show off their bodies. It's just Buckwild if you ask me. 4)This is ridiculous. They were just tryin' to be like the Buckwild crew. They shouldn't have been suspended for a harlem shake video. That school probably has way worse problems.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2-26-13 BR

Sleep texting is a weird topic. I don't know of ever doing it. I think people are just tired and not paying attention. I don't think it's real.

2-25-13 BR

Wv is a state full of guns. It's ridiculous that this is still the bellringer topic. We've had the same topic 400 times. It's about time everyone realized that crazy people are going to kill people no matter what their utensil.

People who made a difference

==Martin King Jr. aug 28, 1953, mlk jr made his I had a dream speech. he was shot apr 9, 1968 Day mlk jr was buried ==Harvy Milk Gay rights activist first gay city commissioner multiple job titles in the Navy football in highschool protected gay rights by passing laws killed 1978 by a man who shot him from NYC origionally ==Dorothy Hodgkins Scientist worked with crystalography x-ray like used it to find the structure of pinicillin and vitamin D English parents studied at Oxford and University of Cambridge Nobel prize in chemistry crowfoot was her nickname ==Einstien great thinker march 14 1879 born in germany jewish high school dropout had illegitament daughter E=MC2 1905 was his most successful year 1921 nobel prize ==Gandhi married at 14 arranged child birth studied law in London Civil rights for indians arranged 240mile march started mar 12 1940 to protest salt act got arrested created a type of protest called sadia ghaha (idk) assassinated on jan 40 1948 ==Churchhill one of the best known politicians in British history 2 time Prime Minister Lord of admirality refused to surrender against Germany ==Tubman suffered from something father was freed from slavery at 45 1849 Hariet escaped slavery one of the first women to lead people into war born as a slave in Maryland ==Nightengale may 12 1820 born youngest of 2 kids active in um...idk that word at a young age age 16 she wanted to be a nurse created the Red Cross tokk 250k and made an establishment to train nurses ==Jane Goodall apr 3 1934 born tanzania studied the history of chimps still alive had a cat at the age of 47 as first pet over 47 different awards for what she did Oxford University ==

Friday, February 22, 2013

2-22 BR

The mountain state is also a lot smaller and less populated than a bunch of other states. The mental health probably has a lot to do with stupid people being misdiagnosed and believing their doctors. If you go in and say you have a stomach ache in this state, you could come out with ADD or Pregnancy, even if you're a man.

2-22 BR

Gas shouldn't have any more ethanol that what is already in it. In specialty equipment like fourwheelers and other high output vehicles, this gas makes the engine way less reliable. It cannot be much different in a car or truck. The performance and gas mileage will decrease and engine failures will increase.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

2-21-13 BR

That guy is an idiot. Racism shouldn't still be around in 2013. He needs to be sued or just punched in the face. Who cares what color the person is, as long as they're qualified.

2-20-13 BR

I do not think it's needed. Everyone will have their right to vote. The black community makes up a good portion of the United States. It's extremely unlikely that they will lose that right.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2-19-13 BR

I don't think you should absolutely have to go to war. It would create a socialistic environment. The rich people still wouldn't have to go.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

2-14-13 BR

The birth rate is at an all time low. People don't need kids to help them on the farm, so they decide to save themselves headaches. Birth control has evolved a lot.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2-13-13 BR

I think that the word Obama should have been focused on would be debt or guns. It has a lot of America worrying what is going to happen in the future.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2-12-13 BR

I think that we should just take out any country's ability to produce nuclear weapons. There is no need for them as we saw in Hiroshima. We don't even need them except to prevent others from having them.

Monday, February 11, 2013

2-11-13 BR

I don't really think Obama is going to fix as much as what he put into the debt, but we will see. He alone doubled the debt. He's been the worst president as of debt. Maybe he should talk about why he shouldn't have been elected.

Friday, February 8, 2013

2-7-13 BR

I don't think they should take away everyone's guns. Tighter qualifications should be set in place to get more guns. Let them do what they want.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2-6-13 BR

I think that it's cool that they're trying to integrate technology into classrooms, but it's a pain to have to switch between computers and text books. It takes a while to just get the computers to boot up. Around ten minutes of class time is wasted by getting them out.