Tuesday, February 26, 2013

People who made a difference

==Martin King Jr. aug 28, 1953, mlk jr made his I had a dream speech. he was shot apr 9, 1968 Day mlk jr was buried ==Harvy Milk Gay rights activist first gay city commissioner multiple job titles in the Navy football in highschool protected gay rights by passing laws killed 1978 by a man who shot him from NYC origionally ==Dorothy Hodgkins Scientist worked with crystalography x-ray like used it to find the structure of pinicillin and vitamin D English parents studied at Oxford and University of Cambridge Nobel prize in chemistry crowfoot was her nickname ==Einstien great thinker march 14 1879 born in germany jewish high school dropout had illegitament daughter E=MC2 1905 was his most successful year 1921 nobel prize ==Gandhi married at 14 arranged child birth studied law in London Civil rights for indians arranged 240mile march started mar 12 1940 to protest salt act got arrested created a type of protest called sadia ghaha (idk) assassinated on jan 40 1948 ==Churchhill one of the best known politicians in British history 2 time Prime Minister Lord of admirality refused to surrender against Germany ==Tubman suffered from something father was freed from slavery at 45 1849 Hariet escaped slavery one of the first women to lead people into war born as a slave in Maryland ==Nightengale may 12 1820 born youngest of 2 kids active in um...idk that word at a young age age 16 she wanted to be a nurse created the Red Cross tokk 250k and made an establishment to train nurses ==Jane Goodall apr 3 1934 born tanzania studied the history of chimps still alive had a cat at the age of 47 as first pet over 47 different awards for what she did Oxford University ==

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