Thursday, February 28, 2013

5x5 about tolerance

Ian Smithson 2-28-13 Society has become too tolerant about a few different things. Television of today introduces too many ideas to the young people. Minority rights are also really ridiculous. Teen pregnancy is a third thing that comes to mind about society being too accepting. We're too accepting over a lot of things. Explicit television isn’t just at night any more. Grownups have to worry about their younger kids watching these ridiculous TV shows. It’s hard to tell what any kid has been watching the past couple of years. Family Guy and other versions of adult swim are no longer regulated to night time showings. South Park and Tosh.0 are also on television during the daytime. If you’ve ever watched these shows, you would know that no person under at least age fourteen should be in contact with them. Minority rights are another thing that society is too accepting over. Let’s say that there are two brothers, Mike and Tony. Mike is a red head and Tony is a brown haired man. Mike gets a scholarship because of his hair color and Tony doesn’t get any sort of help because he has brown hair. Why is that fair at all? It shouldn’t be about what you look like. Teen pregnancy is another big issue in today’s society. Why should a person who has a kid be able to get on a TV show and become the next superstar? It’s because people who aren’t smart like to watch things to make themselves feel better. Having a kid at age fifteen shouldn’t be the cool thing to do. It shouldn’t make you any type of money. You should have to deal with it yourself, and if you can’t then shouldn’t have been having sex. Why has society had a downfall in most people’s opinion? It’s because we care too much about stupid things that we shouldn’t care about at all. People shouldn’t be exposed to Family Guy at age ten and have a kid five years later to become a famous actress. Minorities should have to go through the same hard word as the average Caucasian male, but they don’t. It shouldn’t work that way.

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